A couple of decades ago, Sweden had a strong military. Then a strange thing happened and in 2000, the Swedish Parliment made a decision to cut the budget by half. And in 2004 25% of the military personal were let go.
Now I can only assume the Swedish polititians either:-
A) Do not imagine there is a need to defend the country.
B) They realise even if they had a large military, they couldn't defend themselfs against Russia's military.
Q) What are the advantages of Swedish military cutbacks?
A) The money has been spent on the health of the population, and giving the aged,sick and disabled a decent quality of life.
For many Swedish citizens there's no question this is a good thing, yet many citizens would prefer a strong military. My opinion it would be nice if we lived in the words of John Lennon....." and the world will live as one"
The Rebel.